Dragon Age Origins Camp Storage

  1. Dragon Age Origins Storage
  2. Dragon Age Origins Party Members

According to Zoeller, Dragon Age originally featured a small storage chest in the game's party camp, but quickly became an issue due to story elements in the game that would change the camp's. The pile of scrolls at Camp / Vigil, related to the legacy enchantment system rather than to the new interface, is no longer popup based. The lookup popup was replaced by a GUI. Some new models added to the known list. The Enchantment skill interface can now be used away from the camp, to allow companions to use it.

.Various changes:. Some new models added to the known list, including the longdue Starfang models. Never realised it was unique. A new configuration option allows to limit the rank of essencescreated when.This option may be useful when the party is not high level enough to use thestronger essences. It can also downgrade large amounts of essences to lower ranks inone go. For instance, if you set the option to rank 3 and place a stack of severalPotent Essences on the Autel and use the Enchantment skill to fuse them,they'll be converted to the appropriate quantity of rank3 Essences, with theoccasional rank 1 & 2 spare change.Bugs fixes. The scroll selection GUI replacing the scrollpile wasn't properlyinitialized on newly created characters.

Itemset information was not preserved when remodeling an item. Some glitches here and there (e.g.

Talktable issues) without muchimportance.Various changes:. The pile of scrolls at Camp / Vigil, related to thelegacy enchantment system rather than to the new interface, isno longer popup based. The lookup popup was replaced by a GUI. Some new models added to the known list. The Enchantment skill interface can now be used away from thecamp, to allow companions to use it.

Different handling of the community party picker stages. Modderscan extend the.Bugs fixes.

Material upgrade could fail in the light Campaignssuch as Witch Hunt or Golems. Some glitches here and there (e.g.

Talktable issues) without muchimportance.New features. Light Campaigns support:This release of TWF is now compatible with The Witch Hunt,Golems of Amgarrak and Leliana's Song. Crafting Interface:After hours pulling my hair out, the Winter Forge finally usesthe game very own crafting interface for the Enchantment skill.You can now uses the Enchantment as easily as Herbalism orRunecrafting! No, wait, Runecrafting is an awful example. Let merephrase: the TWF craftskill is now way less cumbersome thanRunecrafting. Wardens' Armory:Share your equipment between characters and campaigns. That's right,accross game worlds.

Icon changes:There is so little variation in the game's vanilla accessories icons.Hopefully, this new tool gives you the ability to change your accessories- belts, rings and amulets - icons easily. Transfer Properties:Without bothering with the anvil. Which is an important precision. Now, insteadof going through the anvil menu for 5min, you can simply drag and dropyour two items in that tool's container. And that's it.Bugs fixes.

Lots. I lost my original bugtracking list during a HD crash, so long storyshort: every v0.5x bug was hunted down.New features. The enamel paints ability now provides free supplies when theFreeMats option is set. Makes sense, huh.

Some informative messages added in v0.4- routines involving containers.(e.g. The mass deconstruction GUI).Bugs fixes. Remodeling armors in Awakening removed their rune sockets.

Dragon Age Origins Storage

Material changes routines were broken when the FreeMats wasenabled. I guess it shows that I'm playtesting with that optionalways on. The anvil dialog wasn't offering the option to add rune socketsfor armors in Awakening.

Stacks of ammo created with the anvil were reduced to one unit when droppedonto the autel. Didn't help to enchant ammo. Added a workaround to avoid the issues caused by Return to Korcari Wilds.New features. Awakening support:Those wanting to use TWF in Awakening campaigns can nowdownload a package specific to DA:A.

Please notethat you have both Origins and Awakening versions of TheWinter Forge enabled at the same time.Among other things, that feature involves T8 & T9 materialsfor the DA:A versions, and rough Exportation & Importationroutines trying to transfer your custom items and enchantment reagentsfrom your Origins campaign to Awakening. Uninstallation routines. Check the barrel at campif you need to use those.

Ingredients and cheatcodes directly available in the scrollsdescriptions in-game. Trimmed down anvil menu:That menu was getting horrendously complicated for players andwas (more importantly if you ask me) a realmaintenance nightmare. With the redesign The Winter Forge benefitedin this v0.5 release, I could get rid of most of the anvil routinesnow available through the new and more intuitive abilities.For your material modifications, heraldric changes, remodeling,and so one, please now use the new toolbox abilitiesavailable by using the Forgesmith's tools quickitem. I'm sureyou'll like those routines a lot more than the old ones anyway as they aremuch less clunky. Simplified material changes:As I just said, you'll find two new methods allowing the modificationof items material.

The first method use the Material modificationability and allows you to change the material of an item precisely in a fewseconds. The second method use the Preview mode ability. By simply clickingback and next keys, players are able to browse through allthe available tints option and seeing the results immediately.Have a look at the new Forgesmith's tools item to get yourhands on these abilities. While we're on that subject, as usual more and moar retintedmaterial are available. This time new materials includes a bunch of clothingtints, much needed silverite options, recolored starmetal, and - of course -variations of the T8 and T9 woods / leathers / metalsfrom Awakening.

(those are only active in the DAA package of TWF). Mage Staves:Your favorite staff use fire projectile while you aredeeply nature speced? Certainly doesn't feel right, isn't it.Hopefully, all you have to do is to use the new Alter magic stavesability. Check your Forgesmith's tools item!. Visual effects:You now have 50 visual effects to choose from when customizingand item. Wanted your sword to have a spirit aura? Wished you couldhave lightning running on your armor?

Dragon Age Origins Party Members

Hoped your non-Mage charactercould have a nice Wisp flying around her? No prob': just tickleyour Forgesmith's tools item and play with the Special Effectsability.


Help system:Click the help talent, target another TWF talent, skill, NPC or placeable,and get an help frame related to that element from The Winter Forge.I'm not sure it'll help people much. Actually I'm pretty sure I'll get morepeople complaining about having to read. Well, nevermind. I believe that'squite an unique system in Dragon Age mods, and it imitates the behaviour ofcontextual help you may be familiar with in OS and various software. Pondicherry university application form 2019. I think it'sbound to help out a few people, but even if it doesn't - well -at least I tried, huh.The codex manual was also entirely rewritten. Please have a look at it beforebothering me with the lack of instructions; and if reading hurts your poor brain, puta sock in it.

I'm sure people moaning non-stop about how shitty the instructions arewill be glad when I won't bother to publish my release anymore to spare myselfsuch comments. If I spend 100s hours working on TWF, surely you can spend 1 hour getting yourhead around it. Automatic compatibility check reporting possible and/or realissues. If you get an alert of the sort, please do not ignore it. Mass essences fusing.

Place douzens of lesser essences of the same type on theAutel, click the enchantment skill, and retrieve the equivalent number of potentessences. A series of new:MatsStoreSupplies, PreviewAutoEquip, TWFActionBar, VFXDummy.

The old was finally removed from theaddon. Sorry freebies loving folks, assuring the retrocompatibility of my codewas a major pain in my ass, and forced me to some clumsy stunts here and there.If people do not bug me about it, I might releasea rewritten 'override mode only' release of The Winter Forge. If. Revamped Override mode:The old v0.2 compatibility 'override' mode was cut from the current version, butsince nobody jumped at my throat with needy comments ever since I announced theremoval of the override mode, I revamped its routines into a fresh new 'Overridemode'.While I still won't bother with requests or reports related to this unbalancedmode, it was nonetheless vastly updated in the process. As a direct consequence,outdated v0.2.2 package was removed from Nexus and the BSN.Bugs fixes. Fixed the few treasures where a lot of scrolls spawned. My very own was causing a severe glitch in The Winter Forge.An attempt of fixing it from within TWF was done in this v0.5.0 release,however the only real way to fix it is to update the Epilogue Editor ifyou're using it.

When planets were correctly aligned via the configuration options, thereagents were not longer destroyed during enchantments and could be used to enchantitems over and over. Obviously this was not working as intented and was fixed. When planets were incorrectly aligned, the reagents were destroyeddespite the enchantment skill failing due to some mistake. Obviously this was notworking as intented either and was also fixed.

Some more issues with those custom runes. Couldn't the engine treatsubitems and regular items the same way? Urf.Runes enchanted on the Autel but not previously created through the Anvil were notpreserved and couldn't survive area transitions and loadings. One of the hidden plot counters used to determine whether bonus TWF talentscould be granted was not working properly.

As a result, on new v0.4+ playthrough the talentswere never offered. I'm such a klutz.Bugs fixes. Custom runes losed their modifications when embedded into itemswhen the game load.

This was due to the game engine not actually saving thedata on subitems. Workaround found, kicking 'nd alive. Some incorrect messages over the main character head, here and there.

Some more clumsy talktable entries fixed.Known issues. It's still possible to sell disenchanted items to NPC merchant at their full ordinary price. The forge don't spawn in the party camp during the first night there (after Lothering)or during camps attacks, because they're not the same area as far as the engine is concerned. Youhaven't lost anything when it occurs so don't panic. Everything will be back when you return tothe camp one more time. Due to the items database overhaul, some very old custom itemsmade or modified with v0.2- versions of The Winter Forge maylose their custom names and eventual heraldry. This issue won'tbe addressed.Bugs fixes.

Invisible 'walls' appearing after saving the game. This was a veryserious problem (TWF can't work in such case) and everybodyshould now update TWF.New features.Beta-testers! Now some of the bugs are actually fixed before the public releases.Brilliant idea, huh. Respecialization option available on the barrel.The utility copying property from an item to another was not in the anvil dialog.It's now available without switching back to override mode. Creation of blank amulets, rings, belts, and mabari equipment.Create your stack of ammo, and enchant those arrows or bolts!

Limited to a single onHit property(such as ) per stack forbalancing reasons. Enchantment-related cheat codes, old school style.Item sets manipulation, with a handful of new sets bonuses. Want youown tailored set bonuses?

Fill a suggestion in on the!.Bugs fixes. The addon initialization was buggy. Slow and Paralysis OnHit properties were not properly disenchanted. Shields using the new materials were no longer accepted by the anvil for further modifications.The disenchantment routine didn't recognise the less elemental resistances properties (1% per power value)and only gave essences for the greater properties. (5% per power).

Names typed via the popup were prefixed by a space. The code supposed to remove known recipes from stores was not working properly. Duplicate model in dwarven noble clothes, so another model was missing.The table row for was incorrect and theitems were enchanted with the Messy Kills property instead. A concept error caused some of the crystal recipes to be mixed.

Huge flaw in the formula guessing routine, so a bunch of formulae couldn't work at all. Invalid or incorrect recipes & formulae everywhere. Doh.

The material modification sometimes failed because supplies were not showing in the dialog list.Balancing.Better handling of the binaries properties (e.g. Improves Blood Magic) and specially usefulonHit properties (e.g.

Stun) during disenchanting.Boosted by 25% the power of the essences created from the magical damage OnHit properties. (ex: +5 fire / hit).Increased the ratio of crystal recipes available in stores.Gave the common factor to the lesser elemental resistances properties and boosted by 300% the power of theessences created from the greater elemental resistances properties.Boosted by 75% the bonuses granted by Physical Resistance inscriptions, such asthe.Toned down some damage bonuses inscriptions by 50% to reflect the fact that each power value actually yieldtwo damage points. (e.g.or ).Known issues.The Altar is still called Autel everywhere. But it doesn't look like an altar, anyway,and French words are supposedly chic and stylish (don't ask me why) so I might leave it as itis. It's still possible to sell disenchanted items to NPC merchant at their full ordinary price. Stores inventories are still refilled at each game load.The forge don't spawn in the party camp during the first night there (after Lothering)or during camps attacks, because they're not the same area as far as the engine is concerned.

Youhaven't lost anything when it occurs so don't panic. Everything will be back when you return tothe camp one more time.Bugs fixes.The bioware updater didn't properly install the modified items resources from the original campaign andthe reagents from the single player game were therefore not splitable in precise stack size. I'm reallysorry it happened, because the addon can't properly work without those reagents.I created new versions of the reagents. You can now convert the original campaign reagents to theirenchantment form by placing a stack on the Autel and using your Enchantment skill.Known issues. The initial welcome popup is coming up at each and every load. The quest pane of the inventory always shows up as selected by default when opening the autel.

Cf. V0.3.0b entry.New features. Enchantment craft skill. Balanced material modifications. Lore-inclided dialogs and descriptions. Merchant system overhaul: The stores will restock their enchantment & forge related wares periodically. The old craft dialog (now refered as 'override mode/dialog') from the previous versions is activable from the options flags.

Added various OC properties, available through enchantment formulae. New materials and clothes models. Coloured materials and shoes. Shoes!.Bugs fixes. The No attribute requirements property was not properly added. A few fallback options were missing in the old override dialog. The anvil itself was renamed at times.

You no longer have to worry about forgetting items on the anvil.Known issues. It's possible to sell disenchanted items to NPC merchant at their full ordinary price. Stores inventories are refilled at each game load. Up to you not to exploit that until I fix it.

Various models reported as missing, I've to check. Some typos and clumsy english in the dialogs and codex entries. Please report with according corrections.The forge don't spawn in the party camp during the first night there (after Lothering)or during camps attacks, because they're not the same area as far as the engine is concerned. Youhaven't lost anything when it occurs so don't panic. Everything will be back when you return tothe camp one more time. Support for DLC / Shale / Starfang / DLC / DLC / Blood Armor / etc. Missing, I know.

Support for item sets. Missing, I know.New features. Heraldric devices can be simply stripped away when modifying a shield. Items can be wiped clean from all their properties. Useful for fresh starts. The last property added to an item can be removed.Bugs fixes.The custom names are now stored into a persistent pseudo-array and should no longer bereverted to the item resource original name.

You can store up to 50 customised names atthe moment, and if necessary you can remove from the saved names any items you no longer have byusing the barrel dialog.(Party equipement & inventory checked, Craig's camp shared storage checked).

Author's instructionsThis BSN Project has been uploaded to Nexusmods in compliance with the mod's original permissions or by receiving authorization from the author. The mod may not be further modified, uploaded, patched, or altered in any way without permission from the author, UNLESS specified in the description. Do not contact us with permissions requests; we cannot speak for the original author.BioWare Continuity Network (BCN) is not reponsible for providing technical support for any BSN Projects uploaded on an author's behalf. As with any mod, you use it at your own risk.

Only works in the main camp, some versions where combat or cutscenes take place will not have access to the chest. If you don't see the chest, leave the camp and come back again.NOTE: Be careful to follow the instructions as noted (especially step 4), otherwise you may get an.xml error message instead of a storage chest mod.To install the files:1. Ensure that Dragon Age is not running.2.

Download the.dazip file to your desktop (or wherever you like).3. Open the “daupdater” program in your Dragon Agebinship directory (usually C:ProgramsDragon Agebinship).4. Drag-and-drop the file to be installed into the updater window; it should appear in the updater window in the “Content Name” column.5. Select the content in the updater window by left-clicking on it, then clicking the “Install Selected” button at the bottom of the updater window.6.

Once the “Status” column for the content reads “Installed” close the updater.7. The content should now be available in-game.To see the source files in the toolset, load the talstoragechest.dadbdata with the Tools/Builder/Load Builder To Builder option.A note to those requesting additional features: while I am always available for advice and even sample code (like many other BioWare developers), this project is meant to be a jumping off point for community modders, not an ongoing development. My hope is that others will take the basics of what is included in this package and run with it.This project won't be updated any further except to remove any packaging or installation issues.