My Laptop Speakers Are Too Quiet

I am using a 5.1 surround sound system with my home computer and recently i have noticed that my right speaker is much quieter than my left speaker but I know the volumes are balanced perfectly in my realtek audio settings, the centre speaker and subwoofer are also fine.In order to balance the volume of my left and right speakers i have to turn duwn the volume alot for my left speaker. However I have plugged in headphones to both the front and back audio jacks of my computer and the volume is balanced perfectly on both sides,i even ran a speaker config test to make sure,does this mean the right speaker has broken or something is wrong with my computer?? My audio drivers are fully updated btw.I know I may sound stupid but I have a very limited knowledge of computers and I'm desperate for help because I have been having a lot of audio issues with this computer lately and its driving me insane lol!

Asus laptop speakers too quiet

Help would be extremely appreciated!!message edited by jikohozon. I assume you mean the 'replacement' speakers are fine.For the faulty ones it seems like the amplifier is in the sub-woofer so my guess is that's where the trouble is most likely to be, although there is still a vague chance that the cable from that to the misbehaving speaker is at fault.How new are they? I'm wondering if they are still under warranty, in which case returning them would be the best option.At least you know the computer is OK.EDIT:I made another assumption, that you replaced the 'complete speaker system'. If you just plugged a replacement speaker unit into the sub-woofer then the one that was originally plugged in there (or its cable) is at fault.Always pop back and let us know the outcome - thanksmessage edited by Derek. Taking your thoughts into consideration, if they are not amplified speakers then a cable fault can lower the sound, because they are low impedance easily disrupted. However its a sure bet they are amplified so most likely it is an internal amplifier defect on that channel.

Unless you are a genius at that sort of thing then effectively it is a faulty unit that can't easily be fixed. I still doubt very much if it's a computer issue but if you can try them elsewhere it will prove the point for certain.Always pop back and let us know the outcome - thanks. Yep, speaker leads are still capable of lowering volume if the speakers are not amplified, without necessarily losing all sound.If a speaker has a volume control it is about certain it has an inbuilt amplifier.

Hp laptop speakers too quiet

Mostly amplified speakers will plug into the domestic power via a transformer. An 'amplifier' does just that, it lifts up the audio signal so that you can increase the volume much further. It will have a printed board inside with chips and other components on it - anything on there can go wonky.The headphones not working pretty well nails it but not absolutely. Trying some other speakers should fully prove/disprove it.Always pop back and let us know the outcome - thanksmessage edited by Derek. Ah I see,yes it does have a volume control option on the right speaker and I plug it into this what I believe is the sub woofer? And it has various ports and leads connected to it for the centre speaker,the left speaker,the rear speakers,etc.I will just be testing with two simple left and right front speakers tomorrow,if the volume is evenly balanced then I'm assuming I can just put it down to a faulty right speaker and have peace of mind after that?Sorry,I just got quite confused how a speaker could mess up in this way after a couple of months of use,I suppose these things just happen:(message edited by jikohozon.

I assume you mean the 'replacement' speakers are fine.For the faulty ones it seems like the amplifier is in the sub-woofer so my guess is that's where the trouble is most likely to be, although there is still a vague chance that the cable from that to the misbehaving speaker is at fault.How new are they? I'm wondering if they are still under warranty, in which case returning them would be the best option.At least you know the computer is OK.EDIT:I made another assumption, that you replaced the 'complete speaker system'. If you just plugged a replacement speaker unit into the sub-woofer then the one that was originally plugged in there (or its cable) is at fault.Always pop back and let us know the outcome - thanksmessage edited by Derek.

Hp Laptop Speakers Too Quiet

My laptop speakers are too quiet youtube

My Laptop Speakers Are Too Quiet Lyrics

I am using a 5.1 surround sound system with my home computer and recently i have noticed that my right speaker is much quieter than my left speaker but I know the volumes are balanced perfectly in my realtek audio settings, the centre speaker and subwoofer are also fine.In order to balance the volume of my left and right speakers i have to turn duwn the volume alot for my left speaker. It's a realtek audio chip, and you can't hear it. It's playing sound, but it's so quiet you have to turn the speakers up to 100% (the actual physical volume control on the speaker) and the windows volume up to 100% to her it like it's up to 5%. This same system in windows 7 was very loud, you usually turned it up to 25% max.