For The Republic Part 2 Fallout New Vegas

Choosing a faction Fallout: New Vegas Guide. Things That Go Boom King's Gambit For the Republic, Part 2. President Kimball. You'll Know It When It Happens Arizona Killer. Main plot - Hoover Dam. 1 M7 - New Vegas Strip - p. 2 M8 - Cottonwood Cove M9 - The Fort M10 - Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters M11 - Nellis AFB M12. When you accept to meet with Gen. Oliver, the achievement unlocks and 'For The Republic, Part 2' is complete. FALLOUT: NEW VEGAS. 1000/1000G, July 9th, 2011.

  1. Hostel Part 2

Fixes the bug where not talking to the secretary girl at the embassy causes the quest to be uncompleteable.This DOES NOT fix games that are already broken in this area.THIS ONLY FIXES THE EMBASSY SECRETARY BUG, I HAVE NOT ATTEMPTED TO CORRECT OTHER BUGS (yet)-If your game is broken, and you have already beaten the 'How Little We Know' quest line!

Contents.Anyone know how to not kill the BoS when the Colonel tells you to blow them their base to peices?Go through the Brotherhood's quests, but you HAVE to keep McNamara as Elder. I think I'll add that to the page. 22:11, October 25, 2010 (UTC) Another bug with this quest. It seems that if you complete Oh My Papa before starting this quest, you don't ever get an option to recruit them into the NCR.I even quietly killed Papa Khan (and like the author of the article, I said they were ghosts and martyrs), but Regis then only has 'goodbye' as a dialogue option. 10:16, October 26, 2010 (UTC)I have the same problem:/ 18:18, October 26, 2010 (UTC)If the player completes Wild Card: Finishing Bets and completes the optional objective to save the President, the quest to save the president as part of for the republic part 2 will still be given, and Grant will be unresponsive, simply standing and gritting his teeth, rendering the NCR ending effectively impossible to finish.i resolved it by getting the book from ezekiel and killing himAny solutions?Can anyone please apply a solution to this bug?Mr.

House Between the Omerta and BoS quest, I was asked by the Colonel to kill Mr. The Quest update reads 'Remove Mr.

House as a threat to the NCR.' I don't see anything about this on the wiki page, any ideas? 16:01, October 26, 2010 (UTC)Yup just killed the Omerta bosses, now I've been ordered to kill Mr.House I'm on the 360 if that makes any differenceIt's confirmed both by players and in the strategy guide that was released with the game that you need to kill Mr. House after dealing with the Omertas.yay never got the achievement Played the quest to the end and didnt recieve an achievement. Thank you game that appears to never have been play tested.

Just because they have updates doesn't mean they should fix all of the problems after the game has been realeased. Looks like they wasted that 6 month delay.Wow just randomly got it 10 hours later while randomly walking out in the wasteland. Odd?this has happened to me aswell, any others had this problem? Although mine still hasn't popped up yetI (think) I completed this quest last night on xbox 360 but no achievement has popped for it. I had just completed 'You'll Know it When it Happens'.

Saved the president and then returned to Moore and told her the president was safe. She says 'Thanks' I get NCR fame and then a message pops up asking me if I want to start the final battle at Hoover, the options are 'No, Im not ready yet' and 'Yes, let's do this'. I selected 'No, not ready' as I wanted to complete some other side missions that I have open. Can anyone confirm if the XB360 achievement 'For The Republic' pops AFTER you select 'Yes, lets do this'?Truce? Is it possible for the brotherhood and NCR to reach a truce if I help Hardin become elder? - 17:04, October 27, 2010 (UTC)Unfortunately, no, as far as I am aware of. The option never comes up with him.

I had to learn that one the hard way, and lose a little bit of progress so I could keep McNamara as elder. 02:59, October 29, 2010 (UTC) Damn Moore. Damn her to hell. It was either kill off the BoS, switch to the independent Vegas quest line, or lose 50 hours of progress.

22:18, April 11, 2011 (UTC)I can't even tell you how much this annoys me. Hardin is the more reasonable of the Elders, with more open-mindedness about the outside world, and yet there's no option for HIM to be the peaceful one? This has to be a bug or an oversight, because it is just incredibly stupid. Like the commenter above, I got screwed out of hours and hours of game time for this too.

03:49, April 23, 2011 (UTC) For The Republic, Part 2/Omertas Glitch Apparently doing the quest How Little We Know, before For The Republic, Part 2 breaks that game. Can someone for the love of God please tell me a work around or console command to fix this. I don't have an earlier save, killing Cachino didn't work, and I've already hacked Lilly's terminal that sends the quest marker to the Gomorrah which doesn't help at all, because its just pointing to the middle of the lobby. 05:11, October 28, 2010 (UTC)How to fix this:Talk to Moore and tell her that the Omertas were up to no good and you had to kill them! I had this same issue and was going to attempt a complicated fix but I decided that asking her wouldn't hurt. Hope this helps you.

01:46, October 30, 2010 (UTC)I got the option to talk to whoever it is at the embassy then went straight to how little we know (because I already had it from something else) now that I've finished it there is no active part on for thr republic and when I talk to Moore it just zooms in for a second as if she is going to talk then zooms back out without initiating dialogue. Any idea of something I can do to fix this? Xbox 360 BTW.

10:23 December 28 2010Same problem ^ PS3. Any idea how to fix this? Jan 2 2011One more thing, troops tend to draw their weapons around me in Hoover DamI also have the same problem for PS3, i did How Little We know before talking to the receptionist, got no option to talk about the omertas with her, and when i went to report back to more that i dealt with them it gave me no option to talk to her, it just zoomed in on her. 22:33, January 14, 2011 (UTC)^^^ Same problem for Xbox 360, will killing House reactivate it maybe?^^^^^^ Same problem as above, will there ever be a patch to fix this?^^^^^^^^^^ Add one more to the list (360). The whole thing is one broken mess.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SAME #$@!ing problem this is annoying (360)SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME ON THE XBOX 360.

Im mad because if you get a truce between the BOS and the NCR you can where BOS power armor without them turning hostile.Sooo. There's no way to fix this at all?

I'm kind of pissed, since I have no prior saves and the only way to complete the game now is to work with Yes Man since I killed House and Caesar. On my version, there's not even a map marker; When I have For The Republic, Part II active, it does not point anywhere and there's no active objective.Is Bethesda planning on ever fixing this $%#&ing bug? I've put in 50 hours of playtime, and now I can't continue just because I didn't talk to the verstunken embassy receptionist before dealing with the Omertas. Who the hell programmed this crap? I did exactly what Moore asked, regardless of whether or not I talked to the receptionist first, but now I've wasted two days and have no way to advance further. What kind of idiots do they have programming this thing?^^^^^^ Same problem here. ^^^^^^^^^PLEASE HELP!Yep, I'm pissed too.

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I did everything in order (with respect to How Little We Know, IDK about FTR: Part II) and ended up with the same Moore zoom/doesn't talk glitch.- and here I was planning NCR all the way.Locked out of The Strip. -Possible spoilers?-I'm having some issues getting into the strip. I'm on 'For The Republic, Part 2' currently, and originally I had been helping both House AND the NCR (I didn't realize until later, I wouldn't be able to help both,. To complete Visit the Great Khans in Red Rock Canyon and either enlist their aid or destroy them. for Return to Colonel Moore with news that the Great Khans will help fight the Legion. for Return to Colonel Moore with news that the Great Khans have been destroyed.These console commands did not fix the quest problem. In fact, when I returned to Moore, she talked to me as if I had already beaten the main quest.

(squashed the legion, etc)EDIT:I did some more experimenting, and the above commands should be:. to complete Visit the Great Khans in Red Rock Canyon and either enlist their aid or destroy them. for Return to Colonel Moore with news that the Great Khans will help fight the Legion. for Return to Colonel Moore with news that the Great Khans have been destroyed.I'm also going to add this solution to the main page.04:40, August 16, 2011 (UTC)This also happens on PS3 after the recent update.for the republic pt 2 After disabling or killing Mr.

House, I return to dam talk to col. Moore: she tells me I have one last mission about BOS, alredy completed that she says ok report to ranger grant in visitor center for arrival of pres kimball but he is not there he is out side on deck of visitor center and I cannot talk to him. How are you suppose to continue?

Hostel Part 2


19:28, August 6, 2011 (UTC)in the guest for the republic part 2: its objectives are to either convince the khans to join the NCR or to kill them. However i have already killed papa khan while exploring so now when i go to the camp it tells me to enter the longhouse, and then when i do so it tells me to leave sooo.? What am i suppose to do?? Please help.In the quest 'For the Republic - part 2', when trying to talk to Papa Khan about it, I too experience the same problem: While outside the longhouse, the map marker for the quest tells me to enter. However, there is no dialogue option regarding this quest when I talk to Papa Khan and, when inside, the map marker tells me to go outside.

I did not kill him or anyone else connected to this quest, as far as I know. Has anyone got any advice on how to resolve this, or at least a theory on a possible cause? - 01:49, September 22, 2011 (UTC)Bug While talking with Yes Man he told me to go check out the Khans. I previously killed the lone Khan guy on the other side of the map in the caves and also had negative reputation with Legion because when I was chasing Benny to the fort, even though I got the Mark, the Legion guy with the boat attacked me so I then had to kill all the Legion in the fort.Now with the NCR quest, when I entered the room with the Khans there were Legion guys at the table and everyone attacked me. Everyone got killed. Now it seems I can't finish.

Have to wait in the game up to a day to get maybe one Khan respawn somewhere in the area and snipe it - hopefully 15 Khans will be enough to complete the quest.' For the republic part 2 quest' so if hardin is elder, how would i get all the key cards to blow the place up.i cant find the other two?for the republic, great khans So I just 'return to conlonel moore with news that great khans have been destroyed' and it says i completed the task under my quest but now i cant talk to colonel moore it just zooms up to her and zooms back out. Any ideas on how to fix this on xbox 360You'll know when it happens (Part two?) I already saved the president of the NCR once and I changed my mind about working with mr house and I decided to go do all the Ambassador Crocker quests. WELL The problem I'm having is that I go to Moore and she tells me that the president is visiting to boost morale and I just went out and walked around and what not and absolutely nothing is going on.

I dont get the option to tell Moore that I already saved the president so its even more frustrating.Possible glitch on the Xbox 360? I think so.Mission failed? On xbox, after i killed Mr. House, it said that i failed the mission and also i cant find Colonel anywhere. Any suggestions?- 20:45, November 11, 2011 (UTC)Great Khans destroyed bug After destroying the Great Khans (all unique members Regis, Diane, Jerry the Punk ect.) then proceeded to kill some more it said I completed on destroying them, and need to report back to the Colonel. After completing it, instead of negative Great Khan reputation, instead giving me idolized and when speaking to random NCR engineers they said the same general dialogue as if I completed 'Oh my Papa'. And couldn't proceed into 'You'll know when it happens' until I went to the Sink's Auto Doc and got basic treatment.05:02, 20 January 2013 (UTC).