Disable Avast Safeprice Firefox

Disable Avast Safeprice Extension. In case, you want to disable the Avast SafePrice extension temporarily, then here’s what you need to do: Chrome: Click on Hamburger icon- Settings- Tools- Extensions. Here move the toggle button for Avast SafePrice extension to OFF position. Firefox: Click on Menu icon- Add-ons. Here click on the Disable button next to Avast SafePrice add-on. Jul 21, 2014  After my post concerning disable/uninstall SafePrice, I checked out my Chrome browser and found that Safe Price is easily managed there. I have to say that I was wrong about Avast. It appears that FireFox is making the SafePrice settings difficult to handle, not Avast. On I go to the FireFox.

Disable Avast Safeprice Firefox

In Firefox v28.0.right click on green circle (avast! Online Security), choose settings (a grey box at the very left BOTTOM below the avast logo), scroll down to the very bottom of that page and uncheck the box for SafePrice.It is NOT listed as an extension or plugin in Firefox v28.0.They must get a commission from eBay for every direct there. They sure do make this difficult to disable as you can't get to this setting in the main avast settings menu (it should be disabled by default IMHO).

The Add-in is 'Avast! Online Security'. The 'Safe Price' is just part of that. Most of the online security comes from the Web Shield and Firewall, so the loss of protection from disabling the 'Avast! Online Security' add-on is limited.If you want to keep the Avast! Online Security add-on but kill the Safe Price.

Disable Avast Safeprice Firefox

in Firefox, at the right extreme of the navigation toolbar in a window that is sitting on a web site (doesn't work at about:blank), click (not right+click, just a normal click) on the 'avast! Online Security' icon (looks like a broken circle, but really is a stylized 'a') and the AOS panel will appear over the right part of the web page. At the bottom of that panel is a place you can click for 'Settings'. At that point, a separate tab should open and you should see 'avast! Online security settings' screen.

At the very bottom of that screen (on my system, I have to scroll that page to the bottom) is ' SafePrice Receive SafePrice shopping recommendations on relevant sites.' In front of that you will see a checkmark. Click to uncheck that line,.

then click on the 'Save' button.That should do it in Firefox until the cookie that AOS uses gets deleted. I'm running FF version 28, and I find on three of my desktops running the free version of Avast that the setting button triggered by clicking on the Avast styled @ is grayed out. Clicking on the My Avast button alongside, I can access my account with Avast, but flog the site as much as I can reasonably do, I cannot find a way to disable Safe Price from any of my machines. What is extremely frustrating is that I carefully install the Avast software paying attention to what is added to my account. I never see the Safe Price option, nor can I find in the install package where it is nested. I also tried the click on the question mark ploy which used to work, but the choice to remove Safe Price is no longer there.I have used Avast for years and have been well satisfied, but I have to say that Avast's implementation of Safe Price smacks a bit of under handiness. It should not be such a detailed task to get rid of something like Safe Price if you do not want it.

Disable Avast Safeprice

Come on Avast. Chrome users:Go to: chrome://extensions in your browser.Locate: avast! Online SecurityScroll down to the Options hyperlink and click it, which should open this page in your browser:chrome-extension://gomekmidlodglbbmalcneegieacbdmki/options.htmlThere is a list of avast! Options on that page. Safe Price is at the very bottom of those options.Depending on your screen size, you may have to scroll down to see it.Uncheck box. Safe Price disabled.

No uninstall required.Hope this helps any Chrome users. Excellent from StereoMaxim.One addition to his instructions, that will only apply to a few folks. I have had a couple of friends who did not understand when I told them something like Go to: chrome://extensions in your browser. Since I am also rather slow on the uptake note1 at times, here are the ELI5 note2 instructions:. Copy this: chrome://extensions/.

Open a new Chrome tab or window. Right-click on the address bar (where the website address or URL is displayed). Select (left-click on) Paste and go. Follow StereoMaxim's from there (beginning with ' Locate: avast!

Online Security'Finding the avast! Online Security extension on the Chrome extensions page is not difficult because the list of extensions is in alphabetical order, and you can also look for the nifty avast! Icon:I hope that helps other slowuptakers.Notesnote1: 'slow on the uptake' is an American and British idiom that originated in the early 1800's meaning slow to comprehend. It alludes to absorbing ('taking up') information. See:note2: ELI5 = Explain Like I'm 5, popularized on Reddit -note3: Can you tell I'm an academic?

What Is Avast Safeprice

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