Doom Slayer Vs Doomguy

  1. Doom Slayer And Doomguy
  2. Doom Slayer Vs Doomguy Full
  3. Doom Slayer And Doomguy Same Person

Dec 04, 2017  I think the strongest indicator that Doom Slayer and Doomguy are the same person is found in Quake Champions. Doom Slayer has his iconic Praetor suit in that game, but you can also get armor sets from all his past appearances - Doom & Doom II, Doom 3, and even Quake 3 Arena. The Underground gets one Hell of a newcomer. Follow the Doom Slayer on his path to escape the Underground, meet new friends, and make pasta. Uses elements from both the 1993 Doomguy and the 2016 Doom Slayer. Rated T because, duh, Doomguy. This is the same Doomguy from Classic games, FInal Doom and Doom 64 They made all community driven maps canon, even Metroid Dreadnought and Terrywads. Doom 2016 happens in a far future version of Doom 3 Alt-Universe. Titan's realm is the entire fucking body of the Titan/Icon of Sin, the Doomslayer Killed him without the Praetor Varia Suit.

Contents DOOM 2016 Reboot HistoryNot much is officially confirmed about the origins of the Doom Slayer. Codex entries suggest that he was the leader of the of. After the city fell and was absorbed into to hell, the Doom Slayer was the last one standing and waged a one man fight against Hell for ages.Codex EntriesUAC REPORT FILE H8UM66SIn the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood. Burned by the embers of Armageddon, his soul blistered by the fires of Hell and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment.

In his ravenous hatred he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him. He wore the crown of the, and those that tasted the bite of his sword named him. The Doom SlayerUAC REPORT FILE 9REIZDURTempered by the fires of Hell, his iron will remained steadfast through the passage that preys upon the weak. For he alone was the Hell Walker, the Unchained Predator, who sought retribution in all quarters, dark and light, fire and ice, in the beginning and the end, and he hunted the slaves of Doom with barbarous cruelty; for he passed through the divide as none but demon had before.UAC REPORT FILE HR93TE1FAnd in his conquest against the blackened souls of the doomed, his prowess was shown. In his crusade, the seraphim (angel) bestowed upon him terrible power and speed, and with his might he crushed the obsidian pillars of the Blood Temples. He set forth without pity upon the beasts of the nine circles. Unbreakable, incorruptible, unyielding, the Doom Slayer sought to end the dominion of the dark realm.UAC REPORT FILE I3S5A9XBThe age of his reckoning was uncounted.

The scribes carved his name deep in the tablets of Hell across eons, and each battle etched terror in the hearts of the demons. They knew he would come, as he always had, as he always will, to feast on the blood of the wicked. For he alone could draw strength from his fallen foes, and ever his power grew, swift and unrelenting.UAC REPORT FILE ZPHVM41ANone could stand before the horde but the Doom Slayer. Despair spread before him like a plague, striking fear into the shadow-dwellers, driving them to deeper and darker pits.

But from the depths of the abyss rose The Great One, a champion mightier than all who had come before. The Titan, of immeasurable power and ferocity. He strode upon the plain and faced the Doom Slayer, and a mighty battle was fought on the desolate plains.

Doom slayer vs doomguy 1

The Titan fought with the fury of the countless that had fallen at the Doom Slayer's hand, but there fell the Titan, and in his defeat the shadow horde were routed.UAC REPORT FILE WMHVVFJAnd in his terrible rancor between worlds and through time, the Hell Walker found the wretch who shall not be named, but in his heresy was loyal to his evil cause. The wretch adorned the Doom Slayer in a mighty armor, wrought in the forges of Hell, impenetrable and unyielding. With sword and shield of adamantine strength, the Doom Slayer set to banishing all that were left unbroken by his savagery to the void.UAC REPORT FILE JSLR7ESLYet as the mighty Titan fell and dread engulfed the armies of Doom, the demon priests of the Blood Temples laid a trap to capture this scourge of Hell. Insatiable, even by the vanquishing of the Great One, the Hell Walker sought prey in the tombs of the Blood Keep. And blinded by his fervor, the lure drew him in.

The priests brought down the temple upon the Doom Slayer, and in his defeat entombed him in the cursed sarcophagus. The mark of the Doom Slayer was burned upon his crypt, a warning to all of Hell that the terror within must never be freed. There he lies still, and ever more, in silent suffering.Quake Champions Character Background. The UAC’s most remarkable discovery was in Hell’s Kadingir Sanctum. Surrounded by nearly impassable terrain, the team discovered a sealed tomb – its entrance and walls covered in protective runes and imprisonment incantations.The tomb revealed many artifacts, including the Praetor suit. Most notable, however, was an enormous sarcophagus bound to the center bedrock of the tomb with thick iron bands – seemingly anchored to prevent anything from getting in or out.It was believed this sarcophagus must hold a rare or powerful demon, but when later opened, it revealed the body of a man. Unrelenting; unforgiving; driven by a rage that cannot be contained.

The Doom Slayer has been to Hell and brought it to its knees. He has no records, and he seems to vanish as quickly as he appears. The few witness accounts available detail a ruthless killer.Long ago across worlds and time, in another universe, Doom Slayer had become a great hero when he saved earth from an invasion by demons from hell. He continued to carry the left hind foot of his pet rabbit Daisy, killed by the marauding demons when their invasion of Earth began. He carried it as a reminder of innocence lost, not for luck-after all, it wasn't lucky for Daisy.

The armor he wore became iconic, and it changed the world.At some point the wide-eyed Doom Marine, found himself again newly transferred to Mars, the soldier got more than he asked for when betrayed the UAC.During his battles to protect Earth, he found himself trapped in hell fighting an eternal battle with the demons. He would travel across time and worlds to save the multiverse. Sometimes finding himself pulled to battle other Champions from other worlds and alternate earths in the Arena Eternal (in this earlier period, he received new armor, that fit like a glove). He continued to be a great champion defending many worlds from the demons and killing them in Hell.The described him as an ancient and mystical time-traveling warrior called the 'Doom Slayer' or 'Hell Walker' who was either banished to or chose to stay there. The Doom Marine proceeded to rampage his way across Hell for 'eons' as an unstoppable force of death and destruction, becoming an icon of fear to all.His one-man war was only ended after he was lured into a trap, allowing the forces of Hell to collapse one of their temples on top of him. Entombed inside a stone sarcophagus, he was sealed away in the, hopefully forever.

Doom Slayer And Doomguy

Unfortunately for the demons, the Doom Marine's sarcophagus was eventually retrieved by the (on one of the alternate earths) and brought back to Mars.Sure enough, after Hell commences its invasion of Mars, the Doom Marine awakens as bloody-minded as ever. He then arms himself with a, reclaims his and begins to fight the hordes of hell once more. After he saves Earth, he is captured by Hayden and put into stasis again, while the scientist prepared his next plans.With regards to Quake canon Champions games are a prequel to the Arena games (Quake III Arena/Live). Though with regards to when the Doom Marine was pulled into the Arena Eternal are roughly switched chronologically. That is that Doom Slayer entered into the Arena Eternal during the earlier Champions competition, whereas an earlier incarnation code-named 'Doom' entered in the later Arena competitions.Personality and traitsUnlike some of his earlier appearances in the series, he shows a little more emotion, expressed more through actions rather than verbally. A life-size statue of Doomguy was made, a of which, where John Romero is standing next to it, shows the Doom Marine's face.CodexTabletFurthermore, the Doom Marine is shown to be somehow connected to an order of 'knights' of the world Argent D'Nur, called the Night Sentinels in-game.

While the Doom Marine has their symbol on his armor, his armor itself is far different, having a futuristic and military look, whereas the knights have armor closely resembling that of medieval European civilization. Strangely, the Doom Marine fully comprehends English, which would make no sense if he were to be from Argent D'Nur, an 'alien planet' where such a language would not exist. It is possible that the Doom Marine is not actually from this world, but rather came here from a different time in the human universe, or from an alternate version of this, to the alien world. It can be assumed he would then have assisted the alien civilization to fight off the demons, which were apparently invading. It also can be suggested that due to the fact he never speaks and seems to not listen to orders, it is possible that the Doom Marine may actually not speak English but is capable of understanding it.

Another interesting fact that the Doom Marine is capable of operating hi-tech weapons and machinery produced by the UAC without any difficulty giving his ancient background. According to the Helix Stone and Runes found in Hell, it reveals some parts about the identity of the Doom Marine when it depicts the Doom Marine in the Praetor Suit fighting demons under the supervision of the hooded figure who Hell refers as Seraphim. Hell force even claims that the Seraphim is responsible for giving the Doom Marine strength and speed to fight the demon for eons. This may, in fact, be a representation of the player, who commands the Doom Marine and whose skill give the Doom Marine his strength.In Doom 3, when you reach the final level you reach an archaeological site, and obtain the soul cube, in the room is a mysterious sarcophagus, and also broken tablets showing classic Doom Marine standing on a mound killing demons. Most of these details seem to be mirrored in the sarcophagus and codex tablets in Doom 2016 as well, as well as also seeing the soul cube in the game.This list is a possible order of the gamesNote according to Quake Champions Doom 3 is supposed to be part of this list, but the exact order is not clear. It could be before classic, after classic (before Doom 64), or possibly even during the period, he was traveling across time and worlds as stated in his bios in Quake 2016 and Quake Champions.

If only going by sometimes conflicting dates given during the series and the manuals. Doom-Final Doom can take place in the early 2018-2020s, and Doom 3 takes place over a century later, and Doom 2016 which likely is set in an alternate earth universe is roughly a couple of years after Doom 3. Doom 64 is the only game which the placement is note dated but takes place 'years' after previous 'Doom Episodes' (in reference to Doom, Doom II, and Final Doom campaigns). But for the narrative to work short of time travel/paradoxes, the most likely placement of Doom 64 is after Doom 3, since it apparently sets up the events for Doom 2016 (his sarcophagus is discovered in Hell, where he had been fighting an eternal battle before his capture).Timeline (Theories) Previous Titles ConnectedBEFORE DOOMAn ancient group of warriors called the existed to combat the forces of Hell and protect the. They are betrayed by one of their own, who gave the demons the upper hand in their war against them in return for resurrecting his dead son as the. This allowed the demons to consume and subjugate their homeland of and the Wraiths that protected it. The Night Sentinels are all killed.Doom 1Doomguy is taken out of normal duty and shipped to Mars to assist the UAC after assaulting a senior officer for ordering him to engage civilians.

And his squad is sent to Phobos base after the UAC's teleportation experiments go wrong and hell breaks loose on Mars' moons. A team including Doomguy go to check it out, but due to a demonic invasion, everyone but Doomguy dies, so it's up to him to take care of business. Doomguy takes the fight through a portal to Hell where he defeats the Spider Mastermind and returns to Earth. Upon returning to Earth, Doomguy finds it already ravaged by demons, who decapitated his pet bunny,. He fights the forces of hell the Spider Master Mind had sent through ahead, and takes revenge for his dead pet.Doom II Intro/Doom 3Doomguy returns to mars, and as stated in the Doom II manual, he stops an invasion of the red planet.However Doom II’s marine may or may not be the same character or a separate character from the Doom I character depending on different manuals and websites. His backstory differs from that of the original Doom character in that he fought on and escaped in a drop ship (mirroring events of Doom 3, and even Doom RPG). Whereas as original Doom character fought in Phobos and Mars and in both original Doom and Ultimate Doom reaches earth via transporter gateways.

If taken into consideration the backstory to Doom II might actually be the same events of Doom 3 (placing Doom II after Doom III essentially).DOOM 2/Final DoomAfter the battle in Mars, Doom Marine takes leave and returns to Earth, only to discover it has been invaded.The survivors plan to flee the planet, but the only remaining functional spaceport is under Hell's control. He fights to take back the spaceport and the remaining humans succeed in fleeing to space. Doomguy then travels to the Demons' entry portal on Earth to close it and succeeds after killing the Icon of Sin. Humanity then returns to Earth to rebuild.DOOM 64Something survived on Mars' moon, however. The works to resurrect the fallen armies of Hell. Doomguy returns to Mars to take out the trash, journeys into hell again and kills the Mother Demon.

This time, however, he closes the portal from the inside. He has decided to remain in Hell to keep the demons from ever escaping it again. It is possible that Doomguy was sent to the first age and Argent D'Nur.

DOOM 2016 Only (Theory)In the 1st Age, Hell constantly wants to take over the to harness the energy and expand their dominion. The Crowned leader of the Night Sentinels loses his son on the battlefield. He betrays the Sentinels and the city by guiding Deag Grav to the Wraiths. The Hell priests put a curse on the wraiths to siphon their energy.

His son is returned to him as the Icon of Sin. The Icon of Sin tears the Argent City apart while everyone watched helplessly. Wronged, consumed with rage, seeking vengeance, retribution, and redemption, the Slayer decides to take revenge on Hell. A Seraphim gives him immense power (in Christian mythology, a is the highest rank an angel can achieve).While in Hell, an entity known only as 'The Wretch' enhances his armor into the so that the Doom Slayer can better survive in Hell with his newly obtained inhuman powers.

As time may flow differently in this dimension, the Doom Slayer torments Hell for thousands of years. The demons, unable to defeat him, instead devise a way to contain him. After being lured into a trap at, he is captured by the forces of Hell, separated from his Praetor Suit, and trapped in a sarcophagus, sealed by demonic power.A demon decides to help him, forging armor for him. He spends eons battling in Hell, choosing the path of perpetual torment. He defeats a Titan in the 3rd Age.

He is ambushed in the Kadingir Sanctum and stays in it entrapped in the tomb until Samuel Hayden revives him.DOOM 2016retrieved the Doom Slayer from Hell in case the demonic forces escaped onto Mars, which they did. He awakened him to stop a demonic invasion of Mars instigated by his former protege, Dr.

He is released from the sarcophagus, supplied with his Praetor Suit, and sent to work. He journeys between worlds, destroying the Gore Nests that serve as Hell's links to our world. Samuel Hayden guides him through slaying the demons on Mars and Hell, equipping him with a dimensional tether allowing him to travel between them. The Doom Slayer, disapproving of Hayden's deadly Hell energy-siphoning operations, destroyed the Argent Energy filters he asked him to carefully remove. The Doom Slayer eventually retrieved, used it to free the Wraiths from their subjugation and absorb their, and killed Olivia Pierce. Then Hayden uses the tether to return the Slayer to him, incapacitate him, and take the Crucible from him.

Hayden explains that even though his attempts to siphon energy from Hell resulted in massive loss of life, he believes the massive energy crisis on Earth it's solving makes the ends justify the means. He claims that even though the Slayer destroyed the filters, he can rebuild his operation with the Crucible, which he reveals to be a long blade of pure Argent Energy. To prevent the Doom Slayer from trying to stop him, Samuel uses the tether to send him to a place where he can do no harm and where no harm will come to him.Quake III Arena/Quake ChampionsThe Doom Slayer is sent to the Arena Eternal, a series of battlegrounds where the Vadrigar has taken the greatest warriors from across time and space, and even parallel universes, to kill each other in endless gladiatorial combat for their amusement. Every time the gladiators are fragged in combat, the Vadrigar revive them so they may fight again. In Quake canon Champions is a prequel to Arena.DOOM EternalThe demons have invaded and devastated the Earth, just as they did in Doom 2. After traveling to Earth, the Doom Slayer must use his upgraded Praetor Suit and, and a wide range of weapons both old and new, to stop them.Quake ChampionsQuake Champions - DOOM Slayer - Biography (Lore Scrolls)The new Quake Arena suggests that Doom Slayer is the original Doom Guy and states that he still carries around hind rabbit's foot made from his rabbit.

The game includes his bio taken directly from Doom (2016) including the Slayer's Testaments.According to Quake Champions he is the same marine from the Classic Doom games (as well as Doom 3, although he has undergone some changes to physical appearance over time and these are represented by different skins in the game). This is supported by in-game documents found in Hell states that the Doom Marine has traveled through ' and was described as being extremely powerful and dangerous. The texts also say that the demons have been plagued by him for 'eons of time', during which he would have become a legend in their world. Interestingly enough, the has many similarities to the Marine Armor wears in the classic Doom games, even so far as to have company logos, and production numbers located on the armor.

Doom Slayer Vs Doomguy Full

This is all despite the fact that the suit is told to have been made in Hell for the Doom Marine to better fight the demon hordes. Contrary to this, there are scriptures that depict the Doom Slayer and he is shown in the Marine Armor that the Doomguy wears, further fueling speculation that the Doom Slayer and the Doomguy are the same person.In Quake Champions all the marine characters from classic Doom, Quake Arena III/Live, Doom 3, and Doom 2016 are connected as the same character.

The 'order' given in the game for the evolution of his 'armor' suggests that classic armor was his first appearance saving earth (it comes with both classic and Doom 64 like changeable elements), Arena might be an earlier armor built after that, and Doom 3 armor is unclear, it could be set at any point in his 'life' and timeline. But the armor lore confirms that at some point he was transferred to Mars, and was betrayed by Dr. It could be set before Doom 1, or it could be set after Doom 2, before or after Final Doom.

Doom Slayer And Doomguy Same Person

Or perhaps he somehow found a way back to 'Earth' or an alternate earth after Doom 64 and got himself transferred back to Mars, where the new event occurred.Doom Slayer (Hell Walker) also comes with his uniforms Praetor Suit (Doom 2016), Doom Guy (Doom Classic 1/2/Final Doom), Arena (Quake III Arena), and Doom Marine (Doom 3), and nods in the biography that links them all together. Doom Guy armor also includes attachments that are based on the Doom 64 artwork. Each appearance also matches his general facial appearances from each game (while still suggesting he was the same person. The details for the Doom Marine uniform implies that Doom 3 is the first in the series.Doom Slayer can wear two different vanity items. A backpack with Doomguy Collectable, and a Cacodemon plush headgear.Powers and Abilities. Badass Incarnate: Having become an icon in gaming, and battling the forces of Hell for decades, has earned the Doom Marine the status of being an absolute badass. This makes him an invincible and unstoppable force to be reckoned with.


Superhuman Abilities: The Doom Marine has shown to possess immense physical Strength, Endurance and Durability, and superior Speed and Stamina. He outmaneuvers his opponents with great speed, avoiding their attacks, and yet is capable of enduring the hits that the Demons are able to land.

His strength is sufficient to grapple and overpower superhumanly strong demons in hand-to-hand combat, and perform gory 'Glory Kills' to ensure their complete destruction. These abilities are all augmented by the Doom Marines Praetor Suit and are used when fighting against the Demons of Hell. Destruction Empowerment: The most unique thing about the Doom Marine is his ability to grow stronger and become even more tenacious with every demon he kills. According to the game's lore, this is the result of the Seraphim giving the Doom Marine the ability to absorb the souls of those he killed. Argent Energy Absorption: The Doom Marine can absorb Argent Energy via his Praetor Suit, which reroutes it throughout the suits subsystems and into his body. This allows him to increase either his Health, Armour or Ammo to maximum levels. Rune Absorption and Usage: Through some unknown means, the Doom Marine is able to use mystic runes that he gains upon completing trials.