Best Sniper Build Dota 2

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  2. Best Dota 2 Builds

Kardel Sharpeye, the Sniper, is a ranged agility carry known best for his ability to deal damage from an absurd range. He does this by way of his passive skill Take Aim, which significantly increases his attack range by 100 units per level. This makes Sniper great at harassing enemy heroes and scoring creep kills while keeping himself out of harm’s way. At max level, Take Aim even allows Sniper to attack towers without being in their attack range, which makes him incredible at taking objectives and leading high ground sieges.Image viaHis other passive ability Headshot deals a large amount of bonus damage when it triggers, while slowing the target down 100 percent for half a second. Combined with his first active skill Shrapnel—which slows and damages enemy units caught in its radius over a long duration—Sniper can kite enemy heroes almost endlessly. Once they are weak and limping home, he can finish them off with his ultimate ability Assassinate, which deals an immense amount of damage to its target after a short period of time.Despite his reach, though, he has some glaring weaknesses that prevent him from simply winning every game. For one, he is very farm-dependent—requiring a multitude of items to hit full effectiveness.

It is thus unfortunate that he does not have a built-in flash farming tool, instead having to rely on pure mechanical ability in order to rack up gold early on.Moreover, he has pitiful stats, particularly in terms of his health pool. He is undeniably one of the most fragile heroes in all of Dota 2, and is extremely easy to bring down with just a couple of nukes. He also has no natural escape mechanism, which means he must rely on mobility items or his teammates’ protection in order to escape gank attempts. Heroes with “free mobility” skills such as Storm Spirit and Riki also deal with him effectively, removing his range advantage entirely with their ability to quickly close the gap.If he is left unchecked, however, Sniper becomes an infuriating force to deal with. He is able to deal heavy physical damage away from the enemy team, while keeping them far away with Shrapnel.

Best sniper build dota 2 new meta

Dota 2 Build

Global initiators: Nature’s Prophet and Spirit Breaker can engage Sniper at any moment, and depending on the item build they can also destroy him without further help. The list goes on as Dota 2 doesn’t lack heroes with skills able to close the gap: Batrider, Anti-Mage, Earth Spirit, IO, Pudge, Queen of Pain, Centaur Warrunner.

He is also a nightmare to teams that try to push high ground without a plan, since his ludicrous range allows him to repel or even kill invaders from a comfortable distance. With proper positioning, Sniper players can make the hero almost untouchable. Sniper Skill BuildBefore we get into the skill build, it is necessary to talk about Sniper’s flexibility in terms of which lanes he can go to in the laning phase. Thanks to his range and fast attack animation, Sniper can be played as a solo mid, which gives him the advantage of solo experience gain. This does, of course, leave him more vulnerable to gank attempts, particularly from roaming supports. The other option is to put him in the safe lane with an allied support, who can babysit him until he is able to purchase some early game items.Since Sniper is completely helpless in the early game, his skill progression is focused on giving the best chance of surviving the laning phase. Your first skill point should go to Shrapnel, as it can be useful when contesting the initial bounty rune spawns.

It is also the closest thing you have to an actual escape ability, though it is useless against heroes that can teleport right next to you anyway.Your second skill point should go to Take Aim, as its range bonus even at Level 1 is very noticeable. The third should go to Headshot, in order to increase your harassment power and allow you to pester your lane opponents even more.

Best Dota 2 Builds

Shrapnel should be the first priority going up to Level 6, though, for the same reasons mentioned above.Going into the mid game, we recommend maxing out Take Aim before Headshot. As heroes that are good in the mid game start to get their items and levels, they become much greater threat’s to Sniper’s farming momentum. Therefore, staying as close to your tower or teammates as possible during this stage—facilitated by Take Aim’s range bonus—becomes highly important.Headshot is taken last due to its dependency on Sniper’s attack speed.

It is a chance-based passive ability, so it stands to reason that the faster Sniper can attack, the more chances he will have of actually having it trigger during an engagement. It is essentially the icing on the cake that is Sniper’s kit, so it is best left for the late game. My name is Patrick 'EthanKairos' Bonifacio, and I've been playing Dota for almost twelve years now.

I played my first game of Dota back in 2006, when Lifestealer still had three passive abilities and an ultimate that gave him 20 seconds of magic immunity. I first played Dota 2 in 2012, some time before TI2—and I haven't looked back ever since. I'm a big fan of Evil Geniuses' Dota team, especially Arteezy.

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My favorite hero? Has to be Puck, for sure—there's nothing quite like the feeling of pulling off daring escapes with just a sliver of health left.